Monday, May 14, 2007


Now, I'm no expert but didn't the Brits use to rule the rock waves? Dressing up in WWI military uniforms worked perfectly well for us in the '60s so what went wrong with the EasyJet crew on Saturday? And how did half of Abbott and Costello win?

Maybe instead of signing on at Westminster dole office, our nearly departed PM should put some effort into sorting out the Eastern bloc voting - the Blair Kitsch Project. Go Tone!

Must dash. There's an Early Birds All you can Eat at the Polski Organic Fake Tan & Slivovitz Bar in 20 mins


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Feeling Jaded

News of the debacle in the Big Brother house has even reached my ears in the bowels of my favourite gentleman's venue. As you will know, game shows are not my thing. My mum, on the other hand, is never happier than when she has back-to-back episodes of 'Deal or No Deal' and a pint of Baileys at her elbow. Whilst on the subject, how a bloke who appears to have been ironed all over, has turned randomly picking a box with a number on it, the teatime equivalent of rocket science, beats me. Mind you, I've come up with a better idea. 'Deal or Not Deal' where contestants guess whether to box is made of wood or not.
I reckon it's a winner.