Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The web anorak has brought to my notice that some of the ex-colonials that read this diary seem to be having a bit of difficulty following the plot. Obviously there aren't enough references to Superbowl XXXXXVII and the like. As I see it the Patriots are like Chelsea * - 'nuff said.

Time was in this glorious biz we call Rock (Rawk) that we Brits were ordered to sing like Yanks in order to sell records. So we had the spectacle of a spotty youth from Droitwich singing 'No Particular Place to Go' without the benefit of ever having been in a car, let alone drive one (where is the Kokomo anyway?).
Imagine trying this with an english place name? 'Last Train to Heckmondwicke'? '24 Hours to Tulse Hill'? You'd be laughed off stage. It was pathetic. I mean, the first Strat ever to be seen on these shores was bought by Cliff Richard** in 1959!

Anyway y'all, must be moseying along for some chow. You take care now !

(it's not working is it?)

*Association Football [soccer] team; based in west London; winning everything; owned by a russian gangster businessman; hardly any english players; heap of shite
** England's answer to Elvis now looks younger than he did in 1959


Bud said...

Gotcha, now, Vernon. Thanks. See comment I left under all that Latin. All those years of Catholic school and still can't make sense of it. I purged.

beth said...

Actually, I think the Patriots are more like Bolton.

They smother the opposition with their workmanlike approach, showing only occasional flashes of flair.

Vernon Grope said...

Hmm, good point. Why are they (the Patriots, not Bolton [as if] ) World champions? Which other countries were in the competition?

beth said...

Well, I dunno, but there's a possibility you might be thinking of the World Series.

If so, that would be baseball, and it's the Red Sox that are World Champs in that event.

Bud said...

All of this prooves that you give less of a shit about American sports as we do about your football. But I enjoy reading you prattle on about it anyway providing you give me a clue now and then. Thanks very much for that.