The burden of high office is already weighing heavily on yours truly. Since kicking off this In Vino Veritas malarky, I can't get a moment to myself. Not a day goes by without some hack ringing up and asking my opinion on something or other. Why can't they leave it alone?
Anyway, this scribbler from one of the big papers asks me what my policy was on binge drinking. Well, I gave him both barrels (as it were) and told him in no uncertain terms that I was firmly against it. It's no substitute for steady and sustained imbibing and young people have to learn this. For some reason, he didn't seem to think this was very enlightened given my standing and all. So I told him to go and ask Nelson Mandela where he buys his hats.
So then I get another call from one of the small papers asking me in my capacity of rock supremo, what I thought of Jordan having a go at the Eurovision. Is it me or has the world gone mad? A couple of years of topless worm eating does not a rock star make. It requires dedication, hard graft and industrial quantities of drugs. Still, she'll be alright for deux points I suppose.
Must dash, got to firm up my policy of capital punishment for double parking 4x4 drivers in St Johns Wood High Street...
Being a Yank, I'm confused by much of this but it's a fucking riot, I'll tell you that much. I'm sure I'll sort it all out in time. Keep writing, I'm enjoying it.
Hey Bud
YOU'RE confused?
Thanks for the encouragement
It is working, Vernon, Thanks so much! I Blogrolled you tonight. So you should be seeing more Colonial hits. If that becomes an unbearable annoyance, let me know. And it's rather refreshing to have my dialect dissed by a foreigner.
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