There's a foul rumour circulating that this diary is not all my own work but is produced by a top ghost writer. Well, I'm here to assure you that these are mine own thoughts as written by me, in crayon on the back of a tax demand.
However, all is not well in the publishing house of Grope. Apparently, there have been gremlins in the technical gubbins and a large portion of my adoring public have not been able to read my pearls of widsom due some argie-bargie with something called Mozilla. Now I always thought this was a dinasaur that trod on Tokyo but apparently it's a popular means of reading web pages favoured mainly by our transatlantic cousins who as always do the opposite to everyone else in the world - use Macs, eat big Macs, remove letters from perfectly good words, invade countries etc, etc. Needless to say, yours truly was not best pleased to learn this and there a couple of extra computer anoraks on the job market as we speak. I'm told that normal service has resumed and that the whole world is now able to benefit from being just that little bit closer to a mega star.
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