It seems my little party visit in the Osama Bin Laden outfit didn't go unnoticed (Desperately Seeking Publicity) and I am now under some pressure to issue a public apology. Apparently, I am not deemed suitable to represent the world of rock and that I should behave more responsibly.
Well, up yours! If I want to go to a private fancy dress party dressed as the scourge of the western world, then I think that's my business. At least I wasn't wearing see-through pants like Iggy Pop or frocks like Dame Reg. It strikes me that these tabloid scribblers ought to be focusing on real issues like Geri Haliwell's escort business rather than harrassing hard-working mega stars like your truly.
So, I've decided I'm going to form a new protest group Stars4Justice which will highlight the plight of global personalities constantly badgered by the world's press. What I need now is a high-profile stunt to bring our cause to the attention of the general public. I'm thinking we'll gate-crash the next do at Buck House. Come to think of it, I may have the right costume...
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