Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Vote for Grope

All the great diarists - Pepys, Jonson, Adrian Mole, Mrs Dale - must have had a bit of difficulty at some time or other keeping the old creative juices flowing. Now I know you might find this hard to credit, but yours truly's hit a bit of a wall, blogwise. Le bloc de l'auteur est arrivé.

Anyway, I was passing my latest oeuvre over to the spotty herbert that looks after the technical wotnots when he muttered something about awards. As I haven't had much luck in this department recently, my ears pricked up. Apparently, there's some sort of poll going on for the 1st European Weblog Awards so I shoot over there for a butchers. Imagine my déception that Vernon Grope: Diary of Rock Star is not galloping away in all categories except maybe Best Weblog from Germany.

So after a bit of research, this is the Grope recipe for Getting an Award:

1) Crack on you're living in parts foreign and make suggestive lingerie-related comments to rack up the votes

2) Bang on about living in the middle of nowhere and how good it is to have herds of fluffy animals knocking about in your back garden

3) Have loads of links to other people's sites

I suppose that's that me out of the running then?

Bitter? Mine's a pint.

C'est lui pour maintenant

Auf Wiedersehen


Tim said...

You seem to be implying I'm up for a gong.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

Vernon Grope said...

You should at least get a mention in the Best Use of the Reliable Old Bike Gag section

petite said...

ha ha

(pyjamas aren't underwear though really)

it all turned a bit nasty over there in the end with all sorts of cheating going on so you were well out of it Mr Grope

JonnyB said...

Sorry - only just seen this...

The rabbits proved popular, yes. It crosses international boundaries you see, the love of fluffy animals.